About the author

Every life is a mosaic of influences—some inherited, others serendipitously absorbed. In my case, no clear lineage of writers paved my way; instead, a symphony of disparate notes from a composer grandfather, peasant roots on Croatia’s Istra peninsula, and a father’s late-life poetic ventures influenced my early years. Yet, none directly pointed me toward the literary path. Instead, it was the magnetic pull of the written word, first through science fiction’s vast imaginings in the 1960s, that ignited my desire to write.

My initial dismissal of fantasy as mere child’s play changed dramatically in the 1980s after grappling with Stephen Donaldson’s Lord Foul’s Bane. This experience, paralleling my earlier discovery of science fiction, opened a new realm of creative possibilities, ultimately leading me to embrace the genre wholeheartedly.

By 1982, I began crafting worlds through role-playing games, leading to my first written works. The Destiny of Fire trilogy, conceived during a three-month sojourn through India, was my ambitious debut—a decade-long endeavor that remains a cornerstone of my career. But my creative journey did not stop there.

By 1982, I began crafting worlds through role-playing games, leading to my first written works. The Destiny of Fire trilogy, conceived during a three-month sojourn through India, was my ambitious debut—a decade-long endeavor that remains a cornerstone of my career. But my creative journey did not stop there.

Since completing the trilogy, I’ve expanded my repertoire: In Between, a fantasy novella, explores the liminal spaces of magic and reality; The Tree at World’s End, an anthology, gathers tales of mystical encounters and ancient wisdom; and Home of the Wind, an autobiographical novella, offers a reflective journey through the landscapes of my personal and ancestral past.

Currently, I am immersed in crafting The Awakening of Alder Sable, a narrative that further explores the boundaries of fantasy and reality, inviting readers to journey alongside Alder as he navigates a world both familiar and fantastical.

As my portfolio grows, so does the tapestry of worlds and stories I have to share. Each book, from epic trilogies to introspective novellas, represents a facet of my journey, inviting readers into realms crafted not only to entertain but also to enlighten.

Welcome to my literary realm—a place where imagination transcends the ordinary and every story is an adventure that I’ve cherished deeply. May these tales inspire you, challenge your perceptions, and transport you to realms as vivid and profound as those I’ve had the joy of exploring. Let us traverse these enchanted narratives together, where every page turned is a doorway into the extraordinary.